Monday, December 14, 2009

Exchange 2010 Install Steps

  • Setup Scripts available on Exchange CD

  • ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDS Web-Server Web-ISAPI-Ext Web-Metabase Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console Web-Basic-Auth Web-Digest-Auth Web-Windows-Auth Web-Net-Ext Web-Dyn-Compression NET-HTTP-Activation RPC-over-HTTP-proxy –restart

  • Installed 2007 Office System Converter: Microsoft Filter Pack

  • Run ‘Set-Service NetTcpPortSharing -StartupType Automatic’ from PS console

  • Run Install from CD

  • Add product key for all servers

  • Configure Send and Receive Connectors

  • On CAS server, create web access certifcate and assign roles (make sure to add a legacy name for the Exchange 2003 OWA server, ie. legacy)

  • Create DNS A record for

  • To have co-existence between OWA users, run Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "SERVERNAME\owa (default Web site)" -Exchange2003Url

  • Configure webmail to use username for logon

  • Configure IIS on CAS to redirect to OWA directory

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