Monday, December 14, 2009

BES Supported on Exchange 2010

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) is now fully supported on Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and BlackBerry Technical Support Services are available. In order to enable full support, following updates are required: Roll-Up 1 (RU1) for Exchange Server 2010, MAPI v6.5.8147, and BlackBerry Enterprise Server 5.0.1 Maintenance Release 1 (MR1). All three updates are available free to customers of Exchange Server 2010 and BlackBerry Enterprise Server v.5.0 with SP1. BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0 SP1 and MR1 can be found here. This roll up also includes other minor updates including calendaring, OWA, and transport. You can read more about Exchange Server 2010 RU1 here, and download Exchange 2010 Update Rollup 1 here.

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