Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Exchange loses its secure channel in the domain

Ok…for whatever reason you break your Exchange servers secure channel to the domain and you have exhausted all avenues to get it back (Netdom/NLTest), your last resort might be to remove the Exchange server from the domain and rejoin it. Well…that just sounds like I want to shoot myself in the foot.

This happened to me and I thought Microsoft was nuts in recommending it. But after we tried everything…we figured that we had nothing to lose. The Exchange server could see the domain but no machines in the domain could connect to the Exchange. When you tried to browse the Exchange server, you would get a message “The target account name is incorrect”.


I made sure that all the stores were stopped. Set all the Exchange services to disabled and just for the fun of it ran an eseutil /mh against the databases. Lo and behold, they were all in a “Dirty Shutdown” state. Great!!

Anyway…we removed it from the domain, rebooted, logged in with local administrator, rejoined the domain, rebooted and logged in with domain admin rights. (Took much less time to write than actually do).

Then we opened Services and started the SA. Its good!! Then the IS. Its good too. (Geez…this is awesome). Then the MTA, Management, and all the others. Its all good!! Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. We tested to see if mail was flowing internally and externally and its all good.
Another great save!!!!

Over and out from Bermuda…

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